Just a quick reminder that our club meeting for September is on Thursday the 28th. The AUXCOMM group will meet at 6:30PM and our regular club will meet at 7:30PM at the First Christian Church in Galax, VA.
New River Trail Challenge 2023
If you want to sign up to participate as a volunteer communicator, email us.
No August Meeting
Just a reminder that there will not be a club meeting this month. Our members are divided between setting up/manning our booth at the Carroll County Ag Fair and providing communication services to the Iron Mountain Jubilee endurance horse ride.
BARC News Update (7.28.23)
ATGP 2023
Some of our club members participated in the Appalachia Trail Golden Packet event on Saturday the 15th. The Golden Packet event's goal is to transmit a packet across 15 mountain tops along the Appalachian Trial from Georgia to Maine.
For more details of the event see the official website.
To view more photos view the album.
Keep Frank in your thoughts!
It has been brought to our attention that our club president Frank Howard, WB1USN, was in a car wreck on July 12th. The wreck was enough to total his car, however he has stated that he was not seriously injured, but would have to take it easy for a while.