Here's some noteworthy information from our club meeting held on 5-25-23.
Dick Newell (WA4ZIZ), our Vice President ran the club meeting in Frank Howard's (WB1USN) absence.
There will be a testing session held on June 24th during our Field Day activities. Testing will be at 1:00PM. If you would like to register for the testing session, please email Glen Sage (N4DN)
The Appalachian Trial Golden Packet event will be on July 15th. The event utilizes APRS and links mountain tops along the trail in order to send a packet the entire length. Frank (WB1USN), David (N4SH), and Josh (KM4AZW) are signed up to participate in activating the mountain top at Comers Rock. Anyone who whishes is welcome to attend. The event runs from 10:00AM to about 3:00PM.
Our club is still looking for a new Technical Officer or perhaps the establishment of a Technical Team. If you would like to be considered for the position, please email us at the club will vote for the position in the near future.
It has been decided that our Christmas dinner will be at the Fiddler's Restaurant on December 9th at 6:00PM.
It was announced that David Todd (N4SH) will be stepping down as our club secretary due to family commitments that will cause him to miss a number of our club meetings in the future. The club voted and decided that Chris Ecker (KY4QE) will take over the responsibility of club secretary.
As for a technical report, Junior (N4VL) stated that there has been no progress in locating the cause of interference affecting the club repeater on Briarpatch Mountain. The repeater still works well during the day, but has interference issues at night. The club repeater will remain linked to the N4VL repeater system and the Critter Net Repeater on Groundhog Mountain for club nets.
Our AUXCOMM team will be divided between two events again next month. The Old Dominion Horse Ride is taking place on June 9th-11th in the Shenandoah Valley and the Sparta Amateur Radio Club has asked us to help with the Tour de Mountains bike ride on June 10th. If anyone is interested in helping out with either of these events, please email