Good News, Monthly Meetings!

At our last meeting it was decided to switch back to having monthly meetings again. The club has only been meeting quarterly for the last couple years due to issues surrounding the pandemic. On our 26th of January meeting, members voted to switch back to our normal monthly schedule of meeting on the fourth Thursday of each month. 

Club Repeater Issues

It has come to our attention that the club repeater is having some technical issues. It appears that during nighttime hours there is interference that makes the repeater nearly impossible to use. During the day, the repeater seems to function correctly. Until this issue is resolved our weekly club net will convene on the N4VL repeater system. 145.130- 103.5T.

BARC/AUXCOMM Meeting 1.26.23

Our next club meeting is this Thursday, January 26th at 7:30PM. Our AUXCOMM group will meet one hour prior at 6:30PM. We meet at First Christian Church, 402 N Jefferson St, Galax, VA. Hope to see you there!

VE Testing Session 1.19.23

If you are looking to get your license or upgrade, our quarterly VE Testing Session is scheduled for this Thursday the 19th @ 7:00PM. 

Visit our VE Sessions section of the website for full details. 

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone has a great New Year! If you are looking to fill the year with fun radio activities, check out some of the events listed below or look through our calendar

  • Appalachian Journey Bike Ride (4.1.23)
  • No Frills Horse Ride (4.12.23-4.16.23)
  • New River Marathon (4.15.23)
  • Old Dominion Horse Ride (6.8.23-6.11.23)
  • BARC Field Day (6.24.23-6.25.23)
  • Carroll County AG Fair (8.23.23-8.27.23)
  • Iron Mountain Jubilee Horse Ride (8.24.23-8.26.23)
  • New River Trail Challenge Triathlon (9.16.23)
  • Fort Valley Horse Ride (10.19.23-10.22.23) 

SKYWARN Recognition Day 2022

SKYWARN Recognition day will be on Saturday, December 2, 2022 from 0000-2400 UTC (7:00PM 12/2/22 until 7:00PM 12/3/22 EST). Be sure to check into the many NWS stations that will be active and give your local weather report!

The Iceman Commeth (Jan SET 2023)

Our AUXCOMM group is hosting a winter SET called "The Ice Man Commeth." The simulated emergency test will be on January 14th from 10AM to 2PM EST.

For a detailed overview of the SET please go to

Registrations will be accepted until January 1st. You can register at